[Code District Developer Bootcamp]- Torrance CA, September 2017-March 2018
[Concepts/Paradigms]: Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming, Functional Composition, Classical and Prototypal Inheritance, Lexical Scope, Responsive/Fluid design, Mobile First, Progressive programming, Agile (Scrum/Kanban), CI/CD, Micro-Services, GDPR compliance.
[Technologies]: Vuejs, React, Redux, React Router, NodeJS, Express, MongoDB with Mongoose, Docker, Terraform, API’s, Google Chrome Developer Tools, Webpack, Git, Github, Terminal, Atom, Amazon Web Services(S3, EC2, RDS), Google Console, Jira, Slack, Wrike.
[Programming]: HTML5, CSS3, SASS, JavaScript, SQL, NoSQL, Python
[Software]: MS Office Suite
[Systems]: Macintosh OS X
[California State University Long Beach]: International Studies September 2007 to May 2013 B.A. in International Studies